Top 3 Best Apps for Converting Airtime to Cash in Kenya

Top 3 Best Apps for Converting Airtime to Cash in Kenya

Sometimes, life problems and the trait of forgetfulness, or all, might get us to make mistakes, such as buying airtime when you were supposed to withdraw cash at a Mpesa agent shop. But that really should not get us to worry because there is a way to convert airtime back to cash, thanks to some innovative apps that let you...

Netflix to Stop Free Plan in Kenya Starting November

Netflix to Stop Free Plan in Kenya Starting November

Two years ago, on September 20, 2021, Netflix rolled out a free plan in Kenya in a push to get more sign-ups and hopefully subscriptions if those who join enjoy binge-worthy movies and TV shows in its extensive library. They did get more sign-ups, but for paid know Kenyans. Netflix brought a kind of streaming revolution. But now, users...

Minimum Wage in Kenya Is the Highest in East Africa

Minimum wage Kenya

Kenya is putting many thousands of shillings in the pockets of those at the bottom end of the pay scale than any of her counterparts in East Africa - Tanzania and Uganda. It has a higher minimum wage. A minimum wage is the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is required to pay wage earners for the work performed...

‘We Are Late,’ Kenya Police Recruitment Delayed to 2024

Kenya Police recruitment 2023/2024

Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kithure Kindiki, in charge of the docket responsible for internal security, has said they will not conduct Kenya police recruitment in 2023 until next year. Reason? While speaking before Members of Parliament, CS Kindiki told them that the National Police Service (NPS) will not maintain its workforce levels this year due to lateness. “We shall be conducting the...

Parking Fees Changes in Nairobi 2023

Revised parking rates in nairobi

Motorists parking their vehicles in Nairobi will have to pay more to get a parking ticket, as the county government hopes to single-handedly raise Ksh20 billion in their Finance Bill 2023/2024 to reinvigorate economic activity and growth around Kenya's capital. The hiking of parking rates is also an effort to come to grips with the looming city's congestion problem as...

2023-2024 HELB Delay: What You Need to Know

Reasons for helb loan delays

As universities raised their fees from four to five-figure Kenyan shillings for the September 2023 intake onwards, even as the minimum wage stagnates and harsh economic conditions prevail, the government is failing to provide the much-needed lifeline - Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) loans. Students are already concerned about HELB delays and are doubting the effectiveness of the financial incentives...

Gotv Lite Costs, Channels and How to Sign Up for It in Kenya (2024)

GOtv Lite channels in 2023

The MultiChoice-owned digital terrestrial platform GOtv is still, more than ten years into existence, considered the first choice by lifelong television fans who would want to watch the very best must-see live TV channels, sports, round-the-clock news feed, documentaries, reality series as well as access the rotating library of movies and episodes of endless binge-worthy shows. GOtv got its start...

Salary: Live-in (Domestic) Nanny and Househelp Salary in Kenya

Nanny and Househelp Salary in Kenya

There is nothing more complicated than defining a nanny in Kenya. According to Collins Dictionary, a nanny is someone who is paid by parents to look after their child or children, and if this is the case, then their work transcends the mentioned duties in many Kenyan households. Nannies clean, cook, provide childcare, and mostly, are in charge of homes...

When Babu Owino Spent Ksh15 Million to Win SONU Seat


I have money. By now, you must have understood, declared, implemented, and normalized this rich's internal and mental saying because it is a measure of success nowadays and even a long time ago. If it's not, why is Solomon's riches worth that hype, yet he was in the BC? Maybe money or riches rule the world or human desire in...

How Much Does High Speed Internet and Wi-Fi Cost per Month?


Digital transformations brought about by the internet during the difficult and worrying times caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) are enough to justify its importance in our lives far from just connecting people. As consumers shifted to working from home, it played an instrumental role in ensuring the survival of many businesses as entrepreneurs leveraged mobile connectivity to touch on almost every...