If ever you find yourself in a serious, dangerous, or unexpected situation, you should always have an emergency number you can call. Fortunately, the Kenya Police has come up with a list of emergency hotline numbers for various police stations across Kenya. Here they are in alphabetical order.
Kenya Police hotline 999, 112 or 911
- Adungosi Police Station 055-22419
- Ahero Police Station 057-821008
- Amagoro OCPD 055-54409
- Bahati Police Station 051-52299
- Bamburi Police Station 041-5485316
- Baricho Police Station 060-21732
- Baringo OCPD Office 053-22227
- Bondo OCPD’s Office 057-52009
- Bungoma Hotline 055-30555
- Bura Police Station 046-62229
- Buruburu 020-787404
- Buruburu 020-787038
- Buruburu OCPD 020-783584
- Buruburu Police Station 020-786878
- Busia Hotline 055-22133
- Butere OCPD Office 056-620222
- Butere Police Station 056-620004
- Capital Hill Post 020-2721692
- Central PPO Office 061-2030885
- Changamwe Police Station 041-433700
- Cherangani Police Station 054-30034
- Chuka Police Station 064-630002
- Diani Police Station 040-2229
- Eldoret Police Station 053-2032900
- Elementaita Police Post 050-2030026
- Embakasi OCPD 020-823200
- Embu Hotline 068-30100
- Funyula Police Station 055-63209
- Garbatulla Police Station 064-20682
- Garissa Hotline 046-2000
- Gatundu Police Station 067-74212
- Gigiri Police Station 020 521 353 or 0721 363999
- Gilgil Police Station 050-4228
- Githunguri Police Station 066-65009
- Gucha OCPD Office 058-30394
- Hardy Police Station 020-891225
- Hola Police Station 046-62004
- Homa Bay Hotline 059-22444
- Homabay OCPD Office 059-22258
- Igoji Police Post 064-22432
- Ijara OCPD Office 046-62006
- Ijara Police 046-62440
- Jamhuri Police Post 020-565621
- Jogoo Police Station 020-557766
- Jogoo Police Station 020-557632/557959
- Juja Police Station 067-52176
- Kabati Police Station 060-72223
- Kabete 020-632222
- Kahawa Sukari 067-812099
- Kakamega OCPD Office 056-31486
- Kinangop Police Station 065-35015
- Kandara Police Station 060-44419
- Kangema Police Station 060-322002
- Kangema Police Station 060-322032
- Kaptembwa Police Station 051-213228
- Kapsowar Police Station 053-361507
- Karatina Police Station 061-72222
- Karen Police Station 020-882538
- Kasarani Police Station 020-8563222
- Kasarani DCIO 020-8564335
- Kasarani OCPD 020-8560756
- Keiyo OCPD Office 053-42088
- Kenyatta Police Post 020-2724614
- Kericho OCPD Office 052- 30658
- Kericho POLICE Station 052- 20222
- Keroka Police Station 058-520064
- Kiambu Hotline 066-22111
- Kianyaga Police Station 060-751002
- Kibwezi Police Station 044-350002
- Kiganjo Police Station 062-86022
- Kigumo Police Station 060-44409
- Kijabe Police Station 066-64480
- Kikuyu Police Station 066-32022
- Kileleshwa 020-560533
- Kilgoris 058-5122009
- Kilifi OCPD Office 041-522368
- Kilimani D/OCPD 020-2728885
- Kilimani OCPD 020-2710392
- Kilimani Police Station 020-2721683
- Kilome Police Station 044-322280
- Kilome Police Station 044-322002
- Kimende Patrol Base 066-64014
- Kimilili Police Station 055-21018
- Kiminini Police Station 055-44044
- Kipipiri Police Station 065-72435
- Kipkabus OCPP 053-720464
- Kiriani Police Post 060-51096
- Kirinyaga OCPD Office 060-21266
- Kisumu OCPD’s Office 057-23594
- Kitale Hotline 054-30777
- Kitui OCPD Office 044-22055
- Kuria OCPD’s 057-52853
- Kwale OCPD Office 040-4075
- Kwhisero OCPP 056-620227
- Lamu OCPD Office 042-633120
- Lanet Police Station 051-850043
- Langata OCPD 020-603694
- Lari Police Station 066-74235
- Likoni Police Station 041-451222
- Lolgorian Police Station 053-23237
- Lolgorian Police Station 051-23237
- Luanda Police Station 054-251087
- Lugari OCPD Office 053-53333
- Lugari OCPP 053-2031015
- Lwala Police Station 057-520485
- Madogo Police Station 046-2372
- Magumu Police Post 065-32916
- Makongeni 020-558277
- Makueni Hotline044-33000
- Makupa Police Station 041-491605
- Malaba Police Station 055-54038
- Malakisi Police Station 055-30507
- Malindi Hotline 042-31555
- Malindi OCPD Office 042-31348
- Malindi Police Station 042-20486
- Mandera OCPD Office 046-52003
- Maragua Hotline 060-313339
- Maragua OCPD Office 060-64026
- Maragua Police Station 060-42002
- Marakwet Hotline 053-361500
- Marakwet OCPD Office 053-5122086
- Mariakani Police Station 041-33004
- Marigat Police Station 053-51007
- Masalani 046-62013
- Mathare 020-3764118
- Mathare 020-3762698
- Matunda Police Station 053-72172
- Maua Police Station 064-21022
- Mbaraki Depot 041-316168
- Mbooni Police Station Mbooni 22
- Menengai Police Station 051-343333
- Meru Central Hotline 064-31222 or 0721 350028
- Meru North OCPD Office 064-21127
- Meru South OCPD Office 064-630017
- Migwani Police Station 044-822464
- Mikinduri Police Station Mikinduri88
- Milangine Police Station Milangine 22
- Modogashe Police Station 046-3054
- Moi’s Bridge Police Station 054-72006
- Molo OCPD Office 051-5122086
- Mombasa Central Police Station 041-225501
- Mombasa Headquaters 041-222121
- Mombasa Urban OCPD Office 041-230706
- Moyale Police Station 069-2014
- Msambweni Police Station 040-52002
- Mt Elgon OCPD Office 054-21843
- Mtitu Andei Police Station 044-30507
- Mukurwe-Ini Police Station 061-60028
- Mumias Police Station 056-641010
- Muranga Hotline 060-31188
- Muthaiga Police Station 020-3762611
- Mweiga Police Station 061-55002
- Mwingi OCPD Office 044-822196
- Mwingi Pabx 044-822032
- Mwingi Police Station 044-822146
- Nairobi Central OCPD 020-220117
- Nairobi Central Police Station 020-225685 or 0721 337999
- Nairobi Industrial Area 020-557284
- Naivasha 050-2030025
- Naivasha OCPD Office 050-2020288
- Nakuru Hotline 051-2217417
- Nakuru Hotline 051-40000
- Nakuru Hotline 051-30666
- Nakuru Police Station 051-2216597
- Narok OCPD Office 050-22127
- Narok Police Station 050-22201
- Naromoru Police Station 061-62003
- Nchiru Police Station 064-66409
- Ndaragwa Police Station 065-32078
- Ndaragwa Police Station 065-32280
- Ngomongo 020-803340
- Ngubi Patrol Base 066-41582
- Njabini Police Station 065-32459
- Njoro Police Station 051-61106
- Nkubu Police Station 064-51002
- Ntumu Police Station 064-22063
- Nyahururu Police Station 065-22052
- Nyahururu Police Station 065-22722
- Nyali Police Station 041-477555
- Nyamira Hotline 058-6144488
- Nyamira OCPD 058-6144035
- Nyamira Police Station 058-6144029
- Nyandarua Hotline 065-32555
- Nyando OCPD 057-821167
- Nyeri Hotline 061-2030555
- Ol Joro Orok Police Station 065-22919
- Ol Kalou Police Station 065-72003
- Othaya Police Station 061-52004
- Oyugis Police Station 059-31035
- Pangani Police Station 020-6760142 or 0721 355 999
- Parklands Police Station 020-3742238 or 0721-364 999
- Parkalnds Police Station 020-3746115
- Port Victoria Police 055-63409
- Rachuonyo Hotline 059-31200
- Rachuonyo OCPD’s Office 059-31284
- Rhamu Police Station 046-52454
- Riruta Police Station 020-560921
- Ruiru Police Station 067-54260
- Runyenjes PoliceStation 068-62002
- Rweno Police Post 066-60092
- Saba Saba Police Post 060-42463
- Sagana Police Station 060-46002
- Salama Police Station 044-322469
- Serem Police Station 054-41565
- Sericho Police Station 064-3502
- Shauri Moyo 020-652124
- Shauri Moyo 020-652125
- Siaya 057-321078
- Siaya D/OCPD 057-321080
- Siaya Hotline 057-321666
- Siaya OCPD’s Office 057-321077
- Solai Police Station 051-52492
- Sololo Police Station Sololo 2
- Spring Valley 020-4181245
- Subukia Police Station 051-52024
- Sultan Hamud Police Station 044-52001
- Taita Taveta OCPD Office 043-30303
- Taita Taveta Police Station 043-5352224
- Tambach Police Station 053-42450
- Tana OCPD Office 046-62083
- Taru 040-2502
- Taveta Police Station 043-5352222
- Teso Hotline 055-54444
- Thika Hotline 067-31000
- Thika Police Station 067-31652
- Thika Police Station 067-21074
- Thindigua Patrol Base 066-513366
- Tigania Police Station 064-66255
- Tigoni Police Station 066-73222
- Timau Police Station 064-41002
- Tot Police Station 053-21069
- Trans-Mara OCPD 053-2345
- Turbo Police Station 053-53007
- Ukwala Police Station 057-34409
- Vihiga OCPD Office 054-51193
- Voi Police Station 043-31220
- Wajir OCPD Office 046-421505
- Wajir Police Station 046-421196
- Wanguru PoliceStation 060-48002
- Watamu Police Station 042-32286
- Webuye Police Station 055-41044
- Wundanyi Police Station 043-42002
- Yala Police Station 057-335235
Alternatively, you can dial the following at no cost.
- Police Emergency hotline – 911
- Safaricom Network – 112
- Safaricom Emergency Number – 0800 720002
- Kenya Red Cross Toll Free Hotline – 1199
The above numbers are open throughout the day. Make sure you have the number to your local police station on your phone.
Kenya Police Website