How to apply for PSC Jobs or Public Service Commission? Many Kenyans yearn for such jobs because of the flexible working hours, benefits, and reasonable allowances. The challenging part of the application process. Additionally, the positions are usually limited. Worst still, there is no easier way around it. So, if you are looking for a PSC job, use the correct application process. This article offers a detailed explanation of how to go about that. See more below. 

 PSC Jobs Online application 

  1. Visit the official PSC website
  2. Create an account first if you are a first-time user. You will be asked for your name, ID number, email address, and password here. 
  3. When done, check what jobs are available and only apply for what you qualify for. 
  4. You need to provide your personal details, registrations, qualifications, courses, experiences and references during the job application.
  5. Other crucial information includes your criminal records and whether you are a subject of a probation order.
  6. Finally, print your application summary.

PSC Jobs Offline Option

  1. Go to the PSC website and download the application form. 
  2. Fill out the form and use block letters for all your answers. 
  3. Please include your personal details and the vacancy applied for, having its name, vacancy number, ministry or the state department. 
  4. This step is for those in the PSC, so skip it if you are not.
  5. Other details include academic qualifications, professional qualifications, relevant courses, current memberships, employment, referees and skills.
  6. Lastly, you must also fill out the declaration form certifying the information is accurate. 
  7. Submit your form to the address below. 

The Secretary,

Public Service Commission,

P.O.BOX 30095-00100,


Always provide the correct information when applying for PSC jobs, or you risk a fine of Kshs. 200,000. The names of the shortlisted candidates are usually uploaded to the PSC website

Check the Latest PSC jobs Vacancies 
