How to deposit money from mpesa to Sidian bank

To deposit money from M-Pesa to Sidian Bank, you can follow these steps:

Sidian Bank Mpesa PayBill number 11999.

  1. Go to the M-Pesa menu on your mobile phone.
  2. Select “Lipa na M-PESA” and then choose “Pay Bill”.
  3. Enter the Sidian Bank Mpesa PayBill number 11999.
  4. For the account number, enter the Sidian Bank account number you wish to deposit the money into.
  5. Enter the amount you want to transfer and your M-PESA PIN.
  6. Review the details to ensure they are correct and then press “OK” to confirm the transaction.
  7. You will receive a confirmation message from M-PESA and Sidian Bank.

How to deposit money from mpesa to Sidian bank
