2023 is ending and has already ended in other parts of your world, God.

Like New Zealand. I saw a tweet, and it is like they enter the new year long before other Nations join in. So we’re there now. 2024. And I want to be thankful in this short prayer:

How wonderful are your gifts to me; how good they are! You gave me everything I needed in the past year. From opportunities and money.., but I don’t want to be really thankful about those (material things, earthly) even though you promised to provide for those whom you love. But I never lacked anything, so I am thankful.

With this pen, I want to praise you for making me glad. Your presence has always filled me with joy and pleasure. This sliding year of 2023, you showed me what love means and to love. And what about the confidence you gave me just by trusting in you?

How excellent are the Lord’s faithful people! You showed me the path that leads to life, and I was always safe under the shadow of your wings. You opposed my enemies and defeated them. Thank you!

Even as we start 2024, I can’t say anything about your gift of life because we, humans, cannot pay you the price for it as the payment for human life is too great, and no matter how much anyone can give, it won’t keep them from the grave – The foolishness of trusting in riches.

So as you allow me to step into 2024, be merciful to me, o God, because of your constant love and because of your great mercy, wipe away my sins, for I have sinned against you – only against you – and done what you consider evil.

Remove my sins, and I will be clean. You sent your only son, Jesus, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

Please teach me how to lift him higher each day of 2024, for he is the light that came into the world to save us from sinful desires and evil deeds.

Reveal your wonderful love and save me. Protect me like a mountain fortress and oppose everyone who opposes me and the enemies who gloat over me.

I am calling to you, God. Restore my life and show me your goodness that lasts for a lifetime. Heal me, and never let me be defeated.

May your will be done in 2024. Thank you, God, for the new year.



