T-Pay TeachersOnline – Teachers Service Commission Faq

How can I access and log in to my TSC email account?

TSC Email Activation: Are you searching for a simple process to activate your TSC email? The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has introduced a new electronic platform, and all teachers are required to activate their email accounts online. Activate your email now to avoid last-minute hassles.

TSC Email Activation Guidelines: You can also visit the TSC online portal at https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/

Follow these straightforward steps to activate your email easily:

  1. Open your browser and type www.tsc.go.ke in the search bar
  2. Click on “ONLINE SERVICES”
  3. Select “EMAIL ACTIVATION” (a new page will load)
  4. Enter your TSC number and click “NEXT”
  5. Input your ID number and click “VERIFY”
  6. Complete the image verification as instructed (e.g., select all images with tractors)
  7. After verification, TSC will confirm your uploaded data
  8. Click “VIEW MY CREDENTIALS” to see your official email account and temporary password (e.g., yourname@mwalimu.tsc.go.ke and TEMPORAL PASSWORD-@Kenya123)
  9. Click on office.com to visit the site
  10. Sign in using the provided email (e.g., yourname@mwalimu.tsc.go.ke)
  11. Click “Next,” enter the given password (e.g., @Kenya123), and sign in
  12. Office.com will ask for additional information to secure your account
  13. Click “Next” and select “I WANT A DIFFERENT METHOD.” From the dropdown menu, choose “PHONE.”
  14. Enter your official phone number (used for resetting your account, TSC payslips, etc.)
  15. Select “KENYA” as your country and input your phone number, e.g., 254700000000
  16. Choose “text me a code” under the phone section, and click “Next.”
  17. Enter the code sent to you (e.g., 11111) and click “Proceed,” followed by “Done” to activate your account
  18. Update your password by selecting “Update your password,” entering the old password (e.g., 111111), your new password, and clicking “Confirm new password”
  19. Sign in again with your new email and new password, and you’re all set.

How can I create a TSC TPAD portal account?

To access the Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPAD) on the TSC website, follow these steps:

  1. Visit www.tsc.go.ke
  2. Navigate to the “Online Services” menu, and from the dropdown list, select “Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPAD)” or directly visit https://tpad2.tsc.go.ke
  3. Click on “First Time Login” or “Create Account” link
  4. Provide the following information:
    • TSC Number
    • ID number
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Preferred password
  5. Click “Create Account” to complete the process

How to apply for 2023 TSC recruitment?

The portal is now open again. Qualified primary school teachers are encouraged to submit their applications. Access the portal by visiting this link 2023 TSC recruitment

The teacher registration process is straightforward and user-friendly.

What is the meaning of TSC registration status verified?

To check your TSC registration status, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the TSC website at https://www.tsc.go.ke/
  2. Click on “Online Services” in the main menu
  3. Select “Registration Status” from the dropdown list
  4. Enter your ID number or passport number in the provided field
  5. Click the “Search” button

Your registration status will be displayed if your information is found in the TSC database.

What is the starting salary for TSC graduate?

A newly recruited graduate teacher in Kenya starts with a base salary of at least KES 34,955 per month, as provided by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC). This teacher is categorized as a Secondary Teacher II and falls under grade C2 (previously known as Job Group K).

Besides the base salary, teachers receive various allowances. For those in grade C2, a monthly commuter allowance of KES 5,000 is provided. A single annual payment of KES 6,000 is granted for leave benefits. Additionally, a monthly house allowance of KES 6,500 to KES 7,000 is offered.

Upon hiring, the teacher must complete a minimum probation period of six (6) months, as outlined in the TSC appointment letter. Occasionally, this probation period may be extended.

T-Pay TeachersOnline – Teachers Service Commission Faq

How to Access Your TSC Payslip Online

